The speed and simplicity of installation of our prefabricated bathroom system make it incomparable to any other method of traditional application, allowing our customers to be able to realize any kind of installation reducing the times and costs.The use of our cabins means not only to streamline the production process and therefore guaranteeing more punctuality in deliveries, but above all it means minimizing errors and guaranteeing higher quality and certain costs for our Customers.All the materials used, such as the production systems and the products of Modulpanel, are certified and guaranteed.
Modul Panel bathroom cell is propose dwith an “all inclusive” price in order to guarantee a certain price without any other further cost due to labour and materials. This is possible thanks to the increased productivity and low wasting obtained by total internal manufacturing, instead of at the building venue. On large projects, economy of scale can be achieved: you can take advantage of good price conditions from the suppliers that positively affect the final price.
Further and indirect savings are related to reduced site supervision, simplified inspection, lower logistic costs (crainage and on-site handling), fewer variations and less reworking; advanced revenue streams thanks to a fast program is a further advantage worth of notice.
Diversi fattori permettono il raggiungimento di un alto livello qualitativo: l’uso di prodotti ottimizzati, la forza lavoro multifuzionale e le condizioni aziendali più favorevoli a confronto di quelle presenti in un cantiere, garantiscono al cliente la certezza del raggiungimento degli obbiettivi qualitativi prefissati e pianificati.
Various factors allow the achievement of an high quality level: the use of optimized products, a stable multiskilled labour force, better factory conditions in comparison to those in a building yard, give better conditions for the workers, and, the client’s certainty that project objectives will be met as scheduled and planned. These aspects enable the Project Management to focus its attention just on the relevant parts of the construction phase, avoiding time and material wasting.
The use of preassembled parts enables faster and simpler laying and installation operations.
Prefabricated pre-assembled Modul Panel bathroom cell is delivered fully equipped with every detail: you just have to put down the cell in the appropriate place, to fix it and connect the prearranged pipeline to the drain system and electric and hydraulic supply, and the cell is results ready to be used straight away.
The constant research of hi-tech and innovative solutions, as well as the careful selection of every single “‘element”, in addiction to the staff’s skills, have all been relevant components for the planning and manufacturing of the brand new toilet pods. Thanks to its extreme ease of positioning and installing, the final aim to produce an excellent product, as it is Modul Panel Prefabricated Bathroom Cell, has been obtained to offer you a product ready to use, assuring about 70% decrease in the whole production time-table, in comparison to the average of the traditional building method.
Thanks to Modul Panel technology, you can have your bathroom cell, either pre-assembled or ready to be installed on site, manufactured by a single supplier. You know that in both cases of new building or the restoring of an old one, realised by following the traditional method, the phase of a bathroom cell manufacturing has always been one of the most critical point, because of the need to find different skilled labour for each activity (electricians, painters, woodsmen, carpenters, plumbers).
We well know nowadays the extreme difficulty to get and organize a skilled labour, and this matter could become a real obstacle for a speed and cost-effective production, prejudicing delivery schedules and finally the entire convenience of the productive activity.
Grazie alle sue soluzioni hi tech Modul Panel offre bagni prefabbricati ove le forniture interne sono lasciate a libera scelta del cliente, quali appunto accessori, mobili e complementi, scelti tra una vasta gamma di fornitori. L’utilizzo di componenti prefabbricati può incrementare significativamente la fiducia del cliente circa la puntualità dell’arrivo del prodotto finale al progetto e le relative consegne schedulate; si può beneficiare del controllo sul costo grazie ad una offerta prefissata ed al design iniziale al fine di ridurre la possibilità di modifiche e minimizzare così anche rilavorazioni sul posto; avrete così vantaggi su tutto il metodo produttivo minimizzando e semplificando le operazioni on site; l’assemblaggio in azienda e la possibilità di effettuare controlli per consegna contribuiscono ad assicurare una alta qualità al prodotto.
Modul Panel, thanks to its hitech solutions, offers a customized bathroom cell, where its equipment is left to the client’s decision, with regards to accessories, faucets, tiles, etc., choosen among a wide range of best suppliers. The use of prefabricated components can significantly increase the client’s trust in the correspondence and punctuality of the final product to the planned project and its relative scheduled deliveries; you can benefit of a control of the cost increase, thanks to a previously fixed tender and an initial design, in order to reduce the possibility of modifications and to minimize the case of reworks on site; you will get improvements in the whole productive method by transferring work away from site and by simplifying site operations; quality assurance will result in being therefore increased due to the factory assembly and thanks to the opportunity of a pre-delivery inspection.
Thanks to the monolithic structure and the use of lightness and modern materials it is possible to obtain an extremely light and solid bath cells at the same time.
Thanks to Modul Panel prefabricated technology, you will receive a bathroom pod provided with fully installed hydraulic and electrical systems which are easy to connect to the building’s systems.